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Область поиска: теги — british [x]

Water World as Another Home for the English Nation Reflected in the English Folklore

... prejudices, poems connected with seas, rivers, lakes and their inhabitants. The English nation’s attempt at trying to preserve its precious «waterworld» both as the natural resource and the cultural inheritance. Conclusion. The British are a most curious nation in many aspects. When a tourist from whatever continent comes to visit Britain the first conclusion he arrives at is how bizarre the people living there are. The main reason to their uniqueness will certainly lie on the ...

George Washington

... senior. Having lost his father when he was 11, George looked upon Lawrence as a surrogate father and undoubtedly sought to emulate him. Lawrence thought a career at sea might suit his little brother and arranged for his appointment as midshipman in the British navy. George loved the idea. Together they tried to convince George’s mother of the virtues of such service, but Mary Washington was adamantly opposed. George, then 14, could have run away to sea, as did many boys of his day, but he reluctantly ...